Experien offers a wide range of capabilities to meet your company needs:
European REACH Legislation →
Canadian New Substance Notifications (NSNs) →
Occupational Health / Industrial Hygiene →
Qualitative Exposure Assessment →
Food Contact / Food Packaging →
Regulatory Toxicology & Risk Assessment →
Product Safety / Product Stewardship →
Safety & Environmental Services (USA Only) →
Exposure Limit Services →
U.S. TSCA Pre-Manufacture Notice (PMNs) →
Modeling & Measurement of Exposure / Release Factors →
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Authoring →
Initial Consultations
We’re just a telephone call away and here to answer your chemical regulatory questions, without obligation or pressure to use our services. Your call will be answered by an expert, not by a switchboard operator who will transfer you to the voicemail of someone who may or may not be the person you need to speak with. If we can’t help you, we’ll do our best to find you someone who can. It is our goal to provide a thorough and detailed first impression.
What Makes Us Different?
We have worked on both sides of the client – consultant relationship. We know from experience and from what we hear from our clients how frustrating missed deadlines, ballooning invoices, and frequent staffing turnover can be to the success of your project and to your business. We spend your money like it’s our own and we’ll never ask you to pay for a team of people to complete an assignment just so that we maximize our billable hours and profits.
Latest News
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final risk evaluation for formaldehyde conducted under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPA has determined that formaldehyde presents an unreasonable risk of injury to human health, specifically to workers and consumers, under its conditions of use (COUs). Formaldehyde is found nearly everywhere. People and animals…