Experien Health Sciences is ready to assist chemical manufacturers and consortia in developing reasonable and appropriately-protective exposure limits for their substances, and to represent client interests in discussions with limit setting agencies and organizations.

We have the expertise to:
  • Review client portfolios and determine which substances are good candidates for company- or industry-sponsored exposure limits
  • Review hazard data and characterize risk at various levels of exposure
  • Evaluate the suitability of existing sampling and analytical methods
  • Evaluate the impact of various exposure limit recommendations on customers
  • Serve as a third-party between manufacturers to avoid antitrust issues
  • Document and publish exposure limit recommendations in peer-reviewed journals

Exposure limits play an important role in maintaining a healthy workplace and in controlling product risks and legal liabilities. With an increasing amount of toxicological data and international exposure limits now available to workers and the general public, coupled with the fact that most of the U.S. OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) are based only on data that was available in the late 1960’s, it has never been more important to ensure that the limits presented on safety data sheets are adequately protective and are based on the most current hazard information available.


Learn more about how Experien Health Sciences can help you.